The Raw Photo Geek

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Windsor Rock City.

It has been much too long since my last post! A lot has been going on behind the scenes as I travel from one location for work to another. I was lucky enough to have a trip back home over the past few weeks to see family and now I’m out on the road in a brand new place I’ve never been before.

Windsor Ontario!

I’ve been swamped at work and working shift work, which I’m not very used to so I have had very little opportunity to run around an see the city although I’ve been here for a week already. I’ve had two days out and I will combine the photos from both here for you.

Photo adventure day one I left my house and walked down Ouellette to an alley behind a bar called Blanche. The alley is full of graffiti and the sketchiest Ronald McDonald vampiric thing you’ve ever seen! I quickly shot my way through the alley and walked to the waterfront turning left towards the war memorials and the scene of Detroit on the other side of the water. While I was zig-zagging through the park stopping randomly to shoot a photo of this and that I kept crossing paths with another photographer. We would stay out of each others way and part ways and then end up trying to stay out of each others shots about another 5 to ten mins later. After the 6th time we bumped into each other we said hello and walked and talked a few mins about the area. Turns out she is a photography student and working on an assignment. I was pretty jealous that she was in the process of becoming a professional and learning “best practice” on how to shoot brilliant photos. All of my learning has been long hours of YouTube and online articles with hours and thousands of photos of practice. Most likely making many errors and faux-pas with my photos!

We hung out for a few more minutes and took photos of the sun setting and headed our separate ways. I made sure to plug my website and Instagram to here though! Who knows, might end up taking photos together again sometime. Here is a photo of the future photographer I met and the first sunset in Windsor photo for me.

Now fast forward a week. I finally have a day off. After working on some school work I ducked out in my car this time to the right side of Ouellette along the river and got some great shots of Detroit and the sunset as well as a cool fishing photo. I hope you enjoy!

I’m looking forward to getting out again when I can spare the time and grabbing a few more photos!

Until next time friends,

~The RPG