I started my first live Instagram feed yesterday from my balcony yesterday and noticed the beach below me was a swarm of activity. I had no idea what was happening but headed out as planned to Black Creek Pioneer Village. I was a little disappointed I never found out what was happening so close to home!
Luckily for me it was happening again today! I tried my hand at another live Instagram feed and ran down to the beach to find out what was buzzing. Turns out it is Paddlefest which is sponsored by MEC. I should say it was so bright out that my eyes were watering! Eventually my eyes adjusted (we geeks aren't always used to the fresh air and bright lights you know) and I got down to the business of taking photos.
There was a swarm of paddleboards, a few canoes and kayaks and lots of eye candy for the girls and guys. This is a busy and popular beach here! I had my big Tamron 70-200 mm lens with me so I stood out like a sore thumb. One lady came over to ask me if I was with CTV news. I'm wearing a storm troop T-shirt and wireless headphones to listen to a techno mix so I can easily understand how someone thought I was from the news station! We had a little laugh and I finished up the photos quickly because the temperature was 32 degrees Celsius. I was melting in my black storm trooper shirt (I did mention some geeks aren't used to being outside in the daylight right) and I made my way back home.
So here I am, a few photos edited and ready to share.
Join me next time on whatever mini-quest I come up with. Maybe it will be Rib fest tonight? Stay tuned!
~ The RPG