To whomever finds this note… I’m in Winnipeg and I’m freezing.
I arrived early in Jan to a fine winter temperature of -12 degrees Celsius with windchill. Then, nine days later, it dropped to -22 degrees Celsius. I grew a beard for this. I bought a Columbia jacket for this! I was prepared for this! Until -35 degrees Celsius hit me hard. Exposed skin froze over in minutes. Walking anywhere was brutal and my beard instantly froze leaving the house.
Still, I don’t have too many gripes (yet). I still have time to see more of the city and it is getting warmer! I was hoping to see the Zoo last weekend and get photos of the polar bear exhibit but it was just too damn cold.
Let’s tell you about what I did get to do so far!
I have seen a Winnipeg Jets game! TRUE NORTH!!!!!! They won too although it is debatable if they deserved it against the ducks. Felt like they were out played until OT and then they came together in the 3 on 3 play.
I have made it to the Forks.
Beautiful spot downtown Winnipeg where gorgeous lights are setup, walkways are iced over and skate friendly and the trees are draped in beautiful night lights for spectacular bokeh effects with the camera. I was worried I would break the camera being in Sub Zero temperatures but I couldn’t resist. I managed to get a few great shots and I had more than a few stop to ask me to take their photo. I even had a couple ask me to shoot their prom in July which was incredibly flattering! Wish I could have said yes!
I was able to take a day and explore the Canadian Museum of Human Rights. Many powerful exhibits on display. I especially liked the Red Dress Project’s display. A great educational location that Winnipeg is very proud of. I like that the pass is an all day pass so you can leave for lunch and come back to break up your day since it is also located at the forks.
That’s about it for my travels in Winnipeg so far. Fingers crossed the weather continues to improve so I can sneak out for a few more shots before I head off to my next destination.
Stay warm friends!
Jeff ~ The RPG